Monday, March 15, 2010

U're the best thing......

howdy folks,

new day, new beginning....

"my mummy tanya bila mahu kawin...umur sudah makin, mummy neeehhhhh...."

herrmmmm, my mind is working suddenly...
evrybody always says – if u want somethng badly, u will get it. people always say a lots of crap dat dun make any sense at all. why do we make ourselves believe all that? life is juz random & dats f***kin' it, & we are not as special as we think. sometimes i wonder why things unravel da way they do. is there a point in everything? does evrythin happen for a reason? does even bad & unpleasant things happen for a reason? do we need bad experiences in life to build da character? & juz wen it is too much? coz u know wat, my character is build so much, dat if i build it any more, its going to crack da roof. people also say God will not give u anythin more than u can handle.herrmmm. dat must hv a reason. smetime some price i nd to pay to be better. i personally can take a lot less than is given to me. i’m trying to find somebody dat works ‘upstairs’, so dat i can tell em' i can take much less then they think, so if there’s any way we can fix dat, dat’d be cool.but they’re not picking up, i’m calling every day. haha, i hv face it alone as always dat da way it is. i always think about fairness in life. its kind of my obsession. i always try to measure fairness. & it’s da most useless ‘job’ in the world. as i thot about fairness da other day, something touched as if it was saying something to me. thot an interesting spin on fairness. it all kind of made sense, in all of da unsenslessness.why tiz extreme mood of mine, u ask? unfortunately, i can’t tell u. but its sure going to be an interesting read one day, i bet u dat. in de mean time, juz think & refresh ur mind about interesting thing, that thing call beautiful moment. without it, how wud we know dat everybody goes true same exact things in life.......

bangkok, here i come...wooohooo..!

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